Part Number 27????
Race XXX Lite
OwneR's ManuaL
Wings for your feet. The lightweight
carbon Race XXX Lite ATB crankset
puts the strength of carbon fiber
technology at your feet. Using an
advanced structural design, the Race
XXX Lite ATB crankset achieves an
incredibly optimized strength-to-
weight ratio.
The ultimate drivetrain upgrade for
your high performance ATB bike.
The Bontrager Race XXX Lite ATB
crankset is loaded with features:
• True hollow-molded carbon
structure keeps the weight to
an absolute minimum.
Figure 1- Bontrager Reace XXX Lite carbon fiber crankset
• Splined ISIS bottom bracket
assembly redefines smooth and
efficient pedaling.
Please read this instruction manual
Read this ManuaL befORe yOu Ride
thoroughly before using your new crankset; it contains important safety and
maintenance information.
If you do not understand the information in this manual, or you have a
question about your crankset that this manual does not cover, consult your
Bontrager dealer. If you have a question or problem that your Bontrager dealer
can’t handle, contact us at:
Bontrager Components
Attn: Customer Service
801 W. Madison Street
Waterloo, Wisconsin 53594
Introduction ....................................................................................................2
Inspecting the crankset and bottom bracket..................................................2
Adjusting the crankset and bottom bracket...................................................2
Lubricating the crankset and bottom bracket................................................2
Check the carbon fiber parts for fatigue or impact damage..........................3
Pedal removal and installation...................................................................4
Changing crank length ..............................................................................4
Crank arm removal and installation ..........................................................5
Bottom bracket removal and installation...................................................5
Limited Warranty............................................................................................6
© Copyright Trek Bicycle Corporation 2007
All rights reserved
check the carbon fiber parts for fatigue or impact
Carefully inspect your components, including the crankset, before and after each
ride for signs of impact or fatigue stress:
• Dents
• Cracks
• Scratches
• Deformation
• Discoloration
Even if you perform regular inspections, if you exceed the limit of strength
of a given part, it may fail if overloaded. After any high force load, thoroughly
inspect all the parts of your bike. High force loads include crashes, but you don't
have to crash to put a high force load on your bike. For example, hitting a large
hole in the road or a sharp bump such as a railroad track can put large forces on
your bike.
a damaged carbon fiber part can fail suddenly, causing
serious injury or death. inspect a carbon fiber bicycle or parts
for damage frequently. if you suspect a carbon fiber part is
damaged, immediately stop riding the bicycle. before riding,
replace the part or take the bike to your dealer for service.
The manner in which you ride will determine whether your bike and its parts
will last. If you ride hard or aggressively, you should replace the bike and/or its
parts more often than riders who ride smoothly or cautiously.
There are many variables to this equation: weight, speed, technique, terrain,
maintenance, riding environment (humidity, salinity, temperature, etc.), and the
frame or part itself- so it is impossible to give a precise timetable for replace-
ment. If you aren't sure, ask your dealer. But as a rule, it is better to err on the
safe side and replace the bike or parts more frequently.
carbon fiber composite inspection procedures
Carbon fiber is among the strongest materials used in bicycle manufacture.
However, carbon fiber has unique qualities, different from metal parts, and must
be inspected carefully for damage.
inspecting carbon fiber parts
Unlike metal parts, carbon fiber parts that have been damaged may not bend,
bulge, or deform; a damaged part may appear to be normal to a cursory glance.
Use the following procedures to inspect carbon fiber parts:
• Check for scratches, gouges, or other surface problems.
• Check the part for loss of rigidity.
• Check the part for delamination.
• Listen for unusual creaking or clicking noises.
These tests may not be conclusive.
The tests are difficult to describe, so as an aid to describing the tests we provide
a movie of inspecting a carbon fiber part in the owner's manual section of the
Bontrager website. If you have any doubts about the integrity of a part, do not
ride the bicycle.
instaLLatiOn instRuctiOns
These instructions explain the steps to remove an existing crankset and install
a new one. The correct installation of a new Bontrager crankset is critical to the
rider's safety, so this work should be performed only by an experienced mechanic
with the proper tools. If you are not sure of your ability to correctly install this
crankset, have the crankset installed by your Bontrager dealer.
Lubricating threads
When installing a threaded part, apply a small amount of bicycle grease to the
threads, except for aluminum chainring bolts. With aluminum chainring bolts,
apply a drop of Loctite 222 to the threads.
check all parts for compatibility before installing
The crankset interfaces with the frame, bottom bracket, chain, front derailleur,
and front shifter. These parts must be compatible and the correct sizes and
designs to function correctly. If you are not sure if this crankset is compatible
with your bicycle, consult your dealer.
Pedal removal and installation
to remove the pedals
Note: There are right and left pedals, usually marked with a letter stamped on the
end of the pedal axle, or on the wrench flats.
1. Turn the right pedal spindle counter-clockwise to remove the right pedal.
2. Turn the left pedal axle clockwise to remove the pedal.
to install the pedals
1. Lubricate the threads.
2. Place the pedal washer (Figure 4) over the pedal
3. Thread the pedal into the crank arm by hand.
4. Tighten the pedals as in Inspect the crankset and
bottom bracket.
changing crank length
The Bontrager Race XXX Lite ATB crankset uses ALS
(Adjustable Length System) to provide a choice of
lengths: 170 and 175mm. To change length, simply
turn around the pedal-mount insert in the crank.
to turn around the pedal-mount insert
1. Loosen the pedal one turn.
Figure 4- ALS parts
2. Tap firmly on the end of the pedal with a plastic
or rubber mallet until the insert (Figure 4) is
3. Remove the pedal.
4. Press the insert out of the crank, and turn
There is a left and right insert, marked L and R. Make
sure the left insert is in the left crankarm.
5. Lubricate the insert and place in the crank with
the pedal hole in the desired position.
6. Install the pedal.
Figure 4- Position of ALS system
for different crank lengths
crank arm removal and installation
To remove a crankarm with self-extracting crank bolts, turn the crank bolt until
the crank bolt threads disengage from the crankarm. The arm will then slide off
the bottom bracket splines.
For cranks without self-extracting bolts, remove the standard bolts and use a
crank puller to remove the cranks.
to install a crankarm
1. Lubricate the threads and the bottom bracket axle splines.
2. Align the splines of the axle with the crank arm, and slide the arm onto the
When installing a crankarm, note the alignment of the opposite crank arm.
3. Carefully engage the splines, then start the threads of the crank bolt.
4. Tighten as in Inspect the crankset and bottom bracket.
bottom bracket removal and installation
A conventional crankset is comprised of a left crankarm, right crankarm, and
bottom bracket (Figure 5).
to remove a bottom bracket
1. Remove the crankarms.
2. Using the proper tool, loosen and remove the left
("adjustable") bottom bracket cup.
The left cup is right-hand threaded, and the right cup is
left-hand (reverse) threaded.
3. Using the proper tool, loosen and remove the
right ("fixed") bottom bracket cup.
Figure 5- Splined bottom
bracket axle
to install the bottom bracket
Make sure the bottom bracket threads of the frame
are clean and in good condition. If necessary, chase
and face the threads.
Lubricate all threaded surfaces, the bearing surfaces of the crank bolts, the
interfaces between the bearings and axle, and the axle splines. Torque sepcifica-
tions are on page 2.
1. Install the right bottom bracket cup with the axle, and tighten.
2. Install the left bottom bracket cup, and tighten.
3. Attach the crankarms and tighten the crank bolts.
4. Check the left crankarm for play.
If there is play, remove both crankarms, grease the contact between the bottom
bracket axle and the bearings, and reinstall. It may require installing the cranks
several times to eliminate all play.
additional steps
After installing a crankset, check that there is at least 3mm between any part of the
crankset and any part of the frame. If not, a longer bottom bracket axle is required
to provide adequate clearance. Also check the adjustment of the front derailleur.
Limited warranty
Bontrager warrants each new Bontrager component or wheelset against defects
in workmanship and materials:
for five years-
• Rigid forks
• Bontrager carbon wheelsets
for one year-
• All Bontrager parts, excluding forks and carbon wheelsets
this warranty does not cover-
• Normal wear and tear
• Improper assembly
• Improper follow-up maintenance
• Installation of parts or accessories not originally intended for, or compatible
with, the Bontrager fork, components, or wheelsets as sold
• Damage or failure due to accident, misuse, abuse, or neglect
• Labor charges for part replacement or changeover
This warranty is void in its entirety by any modification of the wheelset or
This warranty is expressly limited to the repair or replacement of a defective
item and is the sole remedy of the warranty. This warranty extends from the
date of purchase, applies only to the original owner, and is not transferable.
Bontrager is not responsible for incidental or consequential damages. Some
states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the
above exclusion may not apply to you.
Claims under this warranty must be made through an authorized Bontrager
dealer. Proof of purchase is required.
This warranty gives the consumer specific legal rights, and those rights may
vary from place to place. This warranty does not affect the statutory rights of
the consumer.
carbon crash replacement policy
Assessing any damage done to a carbon fiber part requires more experience than
is needed to inspect metal parts. If you crash or impact your bike and the force
of the impact is absorbed by a carbon part, we strongly encourage you to replace
the part, even if there are no indications of damage.
If such a crash or impact occurs, Bontrager offers a crash replacement
program for carbon parts, substantially reducing any replacement cost. To take
advantage of this program, contact us using the information listed on the cover
and ask for the Warranty department.
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