DM 602 S2
Stand-mount/ Bookshelf loudspeaker system
Product Summary
The DM602 S2 is a 2-way vented-box system with a woven Kevlar® cone bass/ mid
driver which virtually eliminates distortions caused by radial waves travelling back and forth
along the cone. The aluminium dome tweeter produces amazing open sound.
The high quality cabinets are attractively finished in a choice of Black Ash or Cherry vinyl
In common with all other models the grey baffle, moulded in mica-filled polypropylene,
forms a second layer to the wooden baffle adding stiffness and damping.
Awa rded What HiFi’s prestigious
five sta rs. July 199 9.
A review from W hat Hi-Fi (July 1999) underpinned our belief in the speaker with comments
including, "providing a fantastic level of refinement in a medium sized box and having
enough bass weight and control to satisfy those into rock and dance. Great all-rounders
and an excellent buy”.
Awa rded Hi-Fi Choice Best Buy
April 20 00 .
Technical highlights
Nautilus™ Tweeter: B&W 's Nautilus Tweeter technology ensures that the sound
remains focused and time-sensitive and that the stereo-image is presented with
unparalleled three dimensional accuracy.
Kevlar®: B&W developed and patented the method of using Kevlar® for
loudspeaker cones to reduce unwanted standing waves. DuPont originally
created Kevlar® for use in bulletproof vests.
Po w e r h a n d lin g
Dim e n sio n s
Fin ish e s
De scrip tio n
Drive u n its
2-way vented-box system
25W - 120W into 8 ohm on unclipped
1 x 25mm metal dome high-frequency
1 x 180mm woven Kevlar® cone
bass/ midrange
Height: 490mm W idth: 236mm
Depth: 306mm
Fre q u e n cy re sp o n se 52Hz – 20kHz ± 3dB on reference
Cabinet: Cherry or Black Ash Vinyl,
Grilles: Black cloth
Se n sitivity
90dB spl (2.83V, 1m)
N o m in a l im p e d a n ce 8W(min 4.3 W)
B&W Loudspeakers Ltd reserves the right to amend details of the specifications without notice in line with technical developments. E & OE. All trademarks acknowledged.
w w w .b w sp e a k e rs.co m
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