3Com Por tSw itch Hu bs
Ma n a gem en t Mod u le Gu id e
Vir u s Discla im er
Cabletron Systems makes no representations or warranties to the effect that the Licensed
Software is virus-free.
Cabletron has tested its software with current virus checking technologies. However, because no
anti-virus system is 100% reliable, we strongly caution you to write protect and then verify that
the Licensed Software, prior to installing it, is virus-free with an anti-virus system in which you
have confidence.
Restr icted Righ ts Notice
(Applicable to licenses to the United States Government only.)
1. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in
subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
DFARS 252.227-7013.
Cabletron Systems, Inc., 35 Industrial Way, Rochester, New Hampshire 03866-5005.
2. (a) This computer software is submitted with restricted rights. It may not be used,
reproduced, or disclosed by the Government except as provided in paragraph (b) of this
Notice or as otherwise expressly stated in the contract.
(b) This computer software may be:
(1) Used or copied for use in or with the computer or computers for which it was
acquired, including use at any Government installation to which such computer or
computers may be transferred;
(2) Used or copied for use in a backup computer if any computer for which it was
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(4) Modified, adapted, or combined with other computer software, provided that the
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(6) Used or copied for use in or transferred to a replacement computer.
(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this computer software is published copyrighted
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(d) Any other rights or limitations regarding the use, duplication, or disclosure of this
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(e) This Notice shall be marked on any reproduction of this computer software, in whole or in part.
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Con ten ts
SPECTRUM Views Roadmap ............................................................................................ 1-4
Chassis Device Icon...................................................................................................... 2-3
Module Identification Label .................................................................................. 2-4
Interface Device View ......................................................................................................... 2-7
Interface Device Icon ................................................................................................... 2-8
Interface Icon Subviews Menu .............................................................................. 2-9
Interface Status View...................................................................................... 2-9
Network Information Panel.......................................................................... 2-10
Interface Threshold View.............................................................................. 2-10
Device Configuration View ................................................................................................. 3-2
Interface Address Translation Table .................................................................... 3-2
Interface Configuration Table...................................................................................... 3-3
Interface Configuration View ............................................................................................. 3-4
Port Configuration View ..................................................................................................... 3-5
9032295 E2
Security Audit Table View ...............................................................................5-7
Local SNMP Application ..............................................................................................5-8
Local SNMP View...................................................................................................5-8
RMON Extensions View .............................................................................................5-13
SuperStack Application ....................................................................................................5-18
SuperStack Configuration View.................................................................................5-18
V.24 Port Config View .................................................................................................5-21
V.24 Port Config Table..........................................................................................5-21
Interface Extensions Application ...............................................................................5-22
Interface Extensions View ...................................................................................5-22
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Figu r es
SPECTRUM Views Roadmap .............................................................................. 1-4
Chassis Device View ............................................................................................. 2-2
Chassis Device Icon .............................................................................................. 2-3
Port Identification Label ...................................................................................... 2-5
Interface Device View ........................................................................................... 2-7
Interface Device Icon ............................................................................................ 2-8
Device Application View (Icon Mode) .................................................................. 5-3
9032295 E2
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Ta bles
Port Identification Label Subviews Menu ............................................................ 2-6
Interface Icon Subviews Menu .............................................................................. 2-9
Power Supply RBS Status Values ...................................................................... 5-10
System Loader Status States .............................................................................. 5-12
Port Security Need To Know Values .................................................................. 5-24
9032295 E2
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
P r efa ce
Use this guide as a reference for the 3Com PortSwitch Hubs management
software. Before using this guide, you should be familiar with SPECTRUM’s
functions and navigational techniques as described in the Administration
documentation and the Operation documentation.
For the purposes of this guide, the 3Com PortSwitch Hub is referred to as
Wh a t Is in Th is Gu id e
The organization of the 3Com P or tSwitch Hu bs Ma n a gem en t Mod u le
Gu id e is as follows:
Ch a p ter
Descr ip tion
Chapter 1
Describes the device, the management module,
and model types. This chapter also provides
information on accessing device specific views.
Chapter 2
Describes the Device views representing the
Chapter 3
Describes the Configuration views for the device
and the network management information
provided by these views.
Chapter 4
Lists and explains the event and alarm messages
generated in the Event Log or Alarm Manager for
the device.
Chapter 5
Describes the Application views and application-
specific information for this device.
9032295 E2
Con ven tion s
This guide uses the following conventions:
• Menu selections and buttons referenced in text appear in bold ; for
example, Con figu r a tion or Deta il.
• Buttons names appear in shadowed boxes when introducing paragraphs
describing their use; for example,
• Menu navigation appears in order of selection; for example, Icon
Su bview s -> Utilities -> Ap p lica tion .
• Referenced chapter titles and section headings appear in italics.
• Referenced documents appear in bold ita lics.
• The 3ComPortSwitch Hub is referred to as “device.”
• References in blue are hypertext links for online documents.
Rela ted SP ECTRUM Docu m en ta tion
When using this guide, you should have a clear understanding of SPECTRUM
functionality and navigational techniques as described in the Administration
documentation, the Operation documentation, and the following
Repor t Gen er a tor User ’s Gu id e
Gettin g Sta r ted with SP ECTRUM for Oper a tor s
Gettin g Sta r ted with SP ECTRUM for Ad m in istr a tor s
How to Ma n a ge You r Networ k with SP ECTRUM
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Other Related Documentation
Oth er Rela ted Docu m en ta tion
Refer to the following documentation for more information on managing
TCP/IP-based networks:
Martin, James, Kathleen Kavanagh Chapman, Joe Leben. Loca l Ar ea
Networ ks: Ar ch itectu r es a n d Im plem en ta tion s, 2d ed. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ : Prentice Hall, 1994.
Rose, Marshall T. Th e Sim ple Book: An In tr od u ction to Ma n a gem en t of
TCP /IP -ba sed In ter n ets. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice Hall, 1991.
Stallings, William. Da ta a n d Com pu ter Com m u n ica tion s, 4th ed. New
York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1994.
Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Com pu ter Networ ks, 3d ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ :
Prentice Hall, 1996.
9032295 E2
Other Related Documentation
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Ch a p ter 1
In tr od u ction
Wh a t Is in Th is Ch a p ter
This chapter introduces the SPECTRUM Management Module for 3Com
PortSwitch Hubs. It describes the following:
• 3Com PortSwitch Hubs
• SPECTRUM Model Type
• Accessing SPECTRUM views
• SPECTRUM Views Roadmap
3Com Por tSw itch Hu bs
The 3Com PortSwitch Hubs are stackable Fast Ethernet hubs that provide
Fast Ethernet uplinks. This device provides 12 or 24 ports for twisted pair
connections via RJ -45 connectors.
SP ECTRUM Mod el Typ e
The model type Hu b3Com Por tSw refers to the management module
software package used to specify attributes, actions, and associations for the
physical 3Com PortSwitch Hub device using the Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) and Management Information Bases (MIBs)
for that device.
9032295 E2
Accessing SPECTRUM Views
Accessin g SP ECTRUM View s
Icons and labels that display information within an icon provide access to
the following:
1. Highlight the icon or label.
2. From the View menu select Icon Su bview s or click the applicable mouse
button (middle or right). Refer to the SP ECTRUM Icon s Refer en ce for
information on configuring your mouse.
Figu r e 1-1.
Usin g Dou ble-Click Zon es to Access SP ECTRUM View s
Accesses the Configuration views;
Accesses the Device Topology view;
refer to the SP ECTRUM Views
Refer en ce.
Model Name
Accesses the Device views;
Accesses the Performance view;
refer to the SP ECTRUM Views
Refer en ce.
Accesses the Application views;
Accesses the Configuration views;
Accesses the Performance view;
refer to the SP ECTRUM Views
Refer en ce.
Accesses the Device views;
Model Name
Accesses the Device Topology view;
refer to the SP ECTRUM Views
Refer en ce.
Accesses the Application view;
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Accessing SPECTRUM Views
Figu r e 1-2.
Usin g th e Icon Su bview s Men u to Access SP ECTRUM View s
Model Name
Go Back
Go Up
Icon Subviews
View Path
New View
View History
Current View Info...
Jump by name...
Map Hierarchy
Figu r e 1-3.
Accessin g Icon Su bview s Men u s fr om La bels
10 11 12 13 14
Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op e
Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab En
Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note N
Module Notes
Module Configuration
Module Performance
9032295 E2
SPECTRUM Views Roadmap
SP ECTRUM View s Roa d m a p
Figu r e 1-4.
SP ECTRUM View s Roa d m a p
Performance views; refer to the
SP ECTRUM Views Refer en ce.
Device views;
Configuration views;
Model Name
Application views;
DevTop views; refer to the
SP ECTRUM Views Refer en ce.
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Chassis Device View
Ch a ssis Device View
This view shows a logical representation of the device chassis and its
interfaces or ports. The Chassis Device icon provides menu and double-click
zone access to the views that monitor the interfaces.
Figu r e 2-1.
Ch a ssis Device View
Example of type Hub3ComPortSw of Landscape daedalus:Primary
Net Addr
Model Name
Sys Up Time
Device Type
Serial Number
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 100100100100200
Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er
Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab
Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chassis Device Icon
Device Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Chassis Device View
Chassis Device Icon
Ch a ssis Device Icon
This icon is a logical representation of the physical device and its front panel
interfaces. This section describes the information available from the Chassis
PortSwitch Hubs.
The callouts displayed in this illustration identify the label name and, when
available, the view to which it provides double-click access. For example:
Module Number/Module Notes View displays the device model number and
provides double-click access to the Module Notes view.
The menus displayed in the illustration are the Icon Subviews menus for
that label.
Figu r e 2-2.
Ch a ssis Device Icon
Module Number Label/
Module Notes View
10 11 12 13 14 15
Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op er Op e
Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab Enab E
Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note Note
Device Type Label
Module Notes
Module Configuration
Module Performance
Port Notes
Port Configuration
Port Detail
Port Performance
9032295 E2
Device Views
Chassis Device View
Chassis Device Icon
Mod u le Id en tifica tion La bel
Mod u le Nu m ber
Displays the position of the module in the hub stack. Double-click this area to
open the Notes view described in the SP ECTRUM Views Refer en ce.
Device Typ e La bel
Identifies the type of device.
Mod u le Icon Su bview s Men u
Ta ble 2-1.
Mod u le Icon Su bview s Men u
Men u Selection
Descr ip tion
Module Notes
Opens the Notes view described in the
SP ECTRUM Views Refer en ce.
Module Configuration
Module Performance
Opens the Module Performance view described in
the SP ECTRUM Views Refer en ce.
Por t Id en tifica tion La bel
These labels provide access to the Icon Subviews menu for the individual
The callouts displayed in this illustration identify the label name and the
view to which it provides double-click access. For example: Port Number/Port
Notes View displays the port number and provides double-click access to the
Port Notes view.
The menu displayed in the illustration is the Icon Subviews menu for that
Device Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Chassis Device View
Figu r e 2-3.
Por t Id en tifica tion La bel
Port Number/
Port Notes View
Op er
Port Operation Label/
Port Configuration View
Port Enable Label/
Port Configuration View
Port Partition Label/
Error Breakdown View
Port Notes
Port Configuration
Port Detail
Port Performance
Port Statistics Label/
Port Performance View
Por t Nu m ber
Displays the number of the port within the module. Double-click this area to
open the Port Notes view described in the SP ECTRUM Views Refer en ce.
Por t Op er a tion La bel
Displays the operational status of the port. Possible values are Operational
Por t En a ble La bel
Displays the enable status of the port. Possible values are Enable and Disable.
Por t Pa r tition La bel
Displays partition stus of the port. Possible values are Not Partitioned and
Auto Partitioned. Double-click this area to open the Error Breakdown view
described in the SP ECTRUM Views Refer en ce.
Por t Sta tistics La bel
Displays the number of packets transmitted. Double-click this area to open
the Port Performance view described in the SP ECTRUM Views Refer en ce.
9032295 E2
Device Views
Chassis Device View
Por t Id en tifica tion La bel Su bview s Men u
Ta ble 2-2.
Por t Id en tifica tion La bel Su bview s Men u
Men u Selection
Descr ip tion
Port Notes
Opens the Port Notes view described in the SP ECTRUM
Views Refer en ce.
Port Configuration
Port Detail
Opens the Error Breakdown view described in the
SP ECTRUM Views Refer en ce.
Port Performance
Opens the Module Performance view described in the
SP ECTRUM Views Refer en ce.
Device Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Interface Device View
In ter fa ce Device View
This view shows a logical representation of the interfaces or ports on the
device. The Interface Device icon provides menu and double-click zone access
to the views that monitor the interfaces.
PortSwitch Hubs.
Figu r e 2-4.
In ter fa ce Device View
Example of type Hub3ComPortSw of Landscape daedalus:Primary
Net Addr
Model Name
Sys Up Time
Device Type
Serial Number
Phy Addr
Model Name
Network Information
Interface Description
9032295 E2
Device Views
Interface Device View
Interface Device Icon
In ter fa ce Device Icon
This icon is a logical representation of the services provided by this device.
This section describes the information available from the Interface Device
PortSwitch Hubs.
The callouts displayed in this illustration identify the label name and, when
available, the view to which it provides double-click access. For example:
Interface Status Label/Interface Status View displays the operating status of
the interface and provides double-click access to the Interface Status view.
The menus displayed in the illustration are the Icon Subviews menus for
that label.
Figu r e 2-5.
In ter fa ce Device Icon
Interface Index Number
Interface Status Label/
Interface Status View
IF Status
IF Configuration
IF Address Translation Table
Secondary Address Panel
Interface Type Label/
Interface Configuration View
MAC (Physical) Address Label/
Interface Address Translation Table
IP Address Label/
Secondary Address Panel
Interface Performance Label/
Interface Performance View
Model Information
In ter fa ce In d ex Nu m ber
Displays the number used to refer to this interface.
In ter fa ce Sta tu s La bel
Displays the operational status of this interface. Double-click this area to open
the Interface Status view. Possible values are Default, ON, OFF, and Testing.
In ter fa ce Typ e La bel
Displays the protocol in use on this interface. Double-click this area to open
Device Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Interface Device View
Interface Device Icon
MAC (P h ysica l) Ad d r ess La bel
Displays the MAC address of this interface. Double-click this area to open the
IP Ad d r ess La bel
Displays the IP address of this interface. Double-click this area to open the
In ter fa ce Per for m a n ce La bel
Displays the number of packets transmitted. Double-click this area to open
the Interface Performance view described in the SP ECTRUM Views
Refer en ce.
In ter fa ce Icon Su bview s Men u
Ta ble 2-3.
In ter fa ce Icon Su bview s Men u
Men u Selection
Descr ip tion
Opens the Interface Detail view described in the
SP ECTRUM Views Reference.
IF Status
IF Configuration
IF Address Translation
Network Information
Model Information
Opens the Model Information view described the
SP ECTRUM Views Refer en ce.
In ter fa ce Sta tu s View
This view displays the operational status if the interface and allows you to set
the administrative status of the interface.
9032295 E2
Device Views
Interface Device View
Interface Device Icon
Netw or k In for m a tion Pa n el
This panel displays the following information on the configuration of a
Na m e
Displays the name of the network in question.
Ad d r ess
Displays the network address of the network in question.
Ma sk
Displays the subnet mask for the network in question.
In ter fa ce Th r esh old View
This view allows you to configure the values at which the following categories
generate alarms. The value in the On field sets the value at which a device
will send an alarm indicating that there is a fault. The value in the Off field
sets the value at which the device will recover from the fault.
• Load Threshold
• Packet Rate Threshold
• Error Rate Threshold
• % Discarded Threshold
Device Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Ch a p ter 3
Con figu r a tion View s
Wh a t Is in Th is Ch a p ter
This chapter describes the Configuration views available for 3Com PortSwitch
Hubs. These views display network configuration and operating information
for the device and its interfaces.
The following Configuration views are available for this device:
• Device Configuration View
• Interface Configuration View
• Module Configuration View
• Port Configuration View
9032295 E2
Device Configuration View
Device Con figu r a tion View
This view provides device-specific configuration information as well as access
to other views that allow you to configure device components.
To access the Device Configuration view do the following:
1. Highlight the device icon.
2. From the Icon Subviews menu, select Con figu r a tion .
Device Con figu r a tion In for m a tion
This section of the Configuration view displays the following device-specific
Device Na m e
Displays the user-setable name of the device.
Con ta ct Sta tu s
Indicates whether a connection with the device has been established. Possible
status messages include: Established, Lost and Initial.
Nu m ber of In ter fa ces
Displays the number of interfaces or ports available on this device.
Rou ter Red u n d a n cy
This menu button allows you to set router redundancy to true or false.
This view also provides the following buttons:
IF Ad d r ess Tr a n sla tion
Opens the Interface Address Translation Table, described below.
Recon figu r e
Reconfigures the device with the current settings.
In ter fa ce Ad d r ess Tr a n sla tion Ta ble
This table provides the following fields:
In ter fa ce In d ex
Displays the number for a given interface or port.
Configuration Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Device Configuration View
Interface Configuration Table
P h ysica l Ad d r ess
Displays the physical (MAC) address of the interface or port.
Netw or k Ad d r ess
Displays the network address of the interface or port.
In ter fa ce Con figu r a tion Ta ble
described later in this chapter.
This table within the Device Configuration view provides the following
configuration information about the device’s interfaces or ports:
In d ex
Displays the index number for a given interface or port.
Descr ip tion
Displays a brief description of the device.
Typ e
Displays the type of hardware interface for the port. See the Administration
documentation for a full list of possible interface types.
Ba n d w id th
Displays the interface bandwidth in bits per second. For interfaces that do not
vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this
will be the nominal bandwidth.
P h ysica l Ad d r ess
Displays the physical (MAC) address of the interface or port.
Op er a tion Sta tu s
Displays the current operational state of this port. Possible values are On, Off,
and Testing.
Ad m in Sta tu s
Displays the current operational state of this port. Possible values are On, Off,
and Testing.
La st Ch a n ge
Display the date and time of the last change to the port’s status.
Qu eu e Len gth
Displays the length of the queue.
Pa ck et Size
Displays the size of packets moving through this port.
9032295 E2
Configuration Views
Interface Configuration View
In ter fa ce Con figu r a tion View
This view provides information on the configuration and operating status of
the interface.
To access the Interface Configuration view do the following:
1. Within the Interface Device view, highlight the device icon.
2. From the Icon Subviews menu, select IF Con figu r a tion .
The Interface Configuration view provides the following information:
Op er a tion Sta tu s
Displays the status of the module. Possible values are operational,
notoperational and unknown.
Ad m in . Sta tu s
Provides a menu button to set the Administrative status of the port. Once
disabled, a port must be explicitly enabled to restore operation. A port that is
already disabled when power is lost or when a reset is exerted will remain
disabled when normal operation resumes. Possible values are On, Off, and
La st Ch a n ge
Displays the system uptime at which the interface entered its current
operational state. A value of zero indicates that the status has not changed
since the agent was last restarted.
Netw or k Na m e/Ad d r ess
Displays the network name and the address at which it appears.
P h ysica l Ad d r ess
Displays the physical (MAC) address of the interface or port.
Ba n d w id th
Displays the interface bandwidth in bits per second. For interfaces that do not
vary in bandwidth or for which no accurate estimate can be made, this will be
the nominal bandwidth.
Pa ck et Size
Displays the largest Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) that can be
transmitted or recieved by the port, measured in octets.
Qu eu e Len gth
Displays the length of the outbound packet queue in packets.
Configuration Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Module Configuration View
Mod u le Con figu r a tion View
This view provides information on the configuration and operating status of
the module.
To access the Module Configuration view do the following:
1. Within the Chassis Device view, highlight the module icon.
2. From the Icon Subviews menu, select Mod u le Con figu r a tion .
The Module Configuration view provides the following information:
Op er a tion a l Sta tu s
Displays the status of the module. Possible values are operational,
notoperational and unknown.
La st Sta tu s Ch a n ge
Displays the system up time at the time when the value of the operational
status object for this group last changed. A value of zero indicates that the
group's status has not changed since the agent was last restarted.
Por t Ca p a city
Displays the number of ports on the module.
Mod u le Typ e (OID)
Displays the Object ID of the MIB for this device.
Mod u le Descr ip tion
Displays a brief description of the device.
Por t Con figu r a tion View
This view provides information on the configuration and operating status of a
port within a module.
To access the Port Configuration view do the following:
1. Within the Chassis Device view, highlight the port icon.
2. From the Icon Subviews menu, select Por t Con figu r a tion .
The Port Configuration view provides the following information:
Ad m in istr a tive Sta tu s
This menu button allows you to enable and disable the port. Once disabled, a
port must be explicitly enabled to restore operation. A port which is already
disabled when power is lost or when a reset is exerted will remain disabled
when normal operation resumes.
9032295 E2
Configuration Views
Port Configuration View
The Administrative Status value takes precedence over Auto Partition and
functionally operates between the auto-partition mechanism and the AUI/
Enabling the port sets it to notAutoPartitioned regardless of its pre-disabling
Op er a tion a l Sta tu s
Displays the port's operational state. The operational state indicates that the
port is enabled and working, even though it might be auto-partitioned. The
notPresent state indicates the port is physically removed (note this may or
may not be possible depending on the type of port). Possible values are
operational, notOperational, and notPresent.
Au to Pa r tition Sta te
Indicates whether the port is currently partitioned by the repeater's auto-
partition protection.
The conditions that cause port partitioning are specified in the IEEE 802.3
La st Sou r ce Ad d r ess
Displays the Source Address of the last readable frame received. If there is no
data is displayed.
Sou r ce Ad d r ess Ch a n ges
This counter is incremented by one for each time the Last Source Address
attribute changes. This may indicate whether a link is connected to a single
DTE or another multi-user segment. The approximate minimum time for
rollover of this counter is 81 hours.
Configuration Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Ch a p ter 4
Even t a n d Ala r m Messa ges
Wh a t Is in Th is Ch a p ter
This chapter lists the types of events and alarms generated by 3Com
PortSwitch Hubs and provides any probable cause messages corresponding to
these alarms.
Device Even ts a n d Ala r m s
messages displayed for the Event Log and Alarm Manager when applicable.
Ta ble 4-1.
3Com Por tSw itch Hu bs Even ts a n d Ala r m s
Messa ge in th e Even t Log
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00010306
Ala r m View P r oba ble Ca u se
Messa ge
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A(n) {t}
device, named {m}, has been cold
started. (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00010307
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A(n) {t}
device, named {m} has been warm
started. (event [{e}])
9032295 E2
Device Events and Alarms
Ta ble 4-1.
3Com Por tSw itch Hu bs Even ts a n d Ala r m s (Con tin u ed )
Messa ge in th e Even t Log
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00010308
Ala r m View P r oba ble Ca u se
Messa ge
CsP Ca u se/P r ob00010308
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A(n) {t}
device, named {m}, has detected a
communication Link Down. (event [{e}])
Communication link is down.
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00010309
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
CsP Ca u se/P r ob0001030a
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A(n) {t}
device, named {m}, has detected a
communication Link Up. (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t0001030a
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A(n) {t}
device, named {m}, has detected an
Authentication Failure. (event [{e}])
Authorization failure. Other user is trying
to connect to device with an invalid
community string.
CsEvFor m a t/Even t0001030b
CsP Ca u se/P r ob0001030b
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A(n) {t}
device, named {m}, has detected an EGP
Neighbor Loss. EGP Neighbor IP
address is {O 1}. (event [{e}])
Lost contact with EGP neighbor.
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0013
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) Is informing the
manager that the device is still
operating. (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0014
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) has had its
configuration modified via the ascii
agent. This may be through Telnet or
the V24 port. (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0015
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) An user “{S 1}” has
attempted a login and failed three
times. The cause was {T comstat 2}.
(event [{e}])
Event and Alarm Messages
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Device Events and Alarms
Ta ble 4-1.
3Com Por tSw itch Hu bs Even ts a n d Ala r m s (Con tin u ed )
Messa ge in th e Even t Log
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0016
Ala r m View P r oba ble Ca u se
Messa ge
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) a gauge {O 1} has
gone over its threshold {I 3}. The sample
period was {I 5} and the number of
samples used is {I 7}. (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0017
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) a gauge {O 1} has
gone below its recovery level {I 3}. The
sample period was {I 5} and the number
of samples used is {I 7}. (event [{e}])
9032295 E2
Event and Alarm Messages
Device Events and Alarms
Ta ble 4-1.
3Com Por tSw itch Hu bs Even ts a n d Ala r m s (Con tin u ed )
Messa ge in th e Even t Log
Ala r m View P r oba ble Ca u se
Messa ge
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0018
CsP Ca u se/P r ob00ea 0018
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
When a system load is requested, a
Hub, {t} (name {m}) has reported that a response is returned immediately and the
sytem load request has failed. The
reason was {T slstat 1}. (event [{e}])
load proceeds in the background. If an error
is detected this trap is generated indicating
the reason why in the status, as follows:
(1) file not found;
(2) access violation;
(4) illegal TFTP operation;
(5) unknown transfer ID;
(7) no such user;
(8) no response from the load server;
(9) the download could not be started
because of a lack of resources;
(10) the length of a record differs from
that implied by the value of the record
length field;
(11) the record type is not recognised;
(12) record checksum error;
(13) the device type in the file is incorrect;
(14) the software image is not suitable for
this version of the hardware;
(15) the first record in the file was not a
file header;
(16) The byte count reported in the file
trailer record differed from the
number of bytes actually received.
When loading a new image into the device
containing the agent itself, the agent first
reads the beginning of the image file to test
if it is accessible and contains a valid image.
If there is anything wrong, this trap is
generated, no download is performed and
the device continues to run uninterrupted.
If this check is successful the download
proper is begun. Should that fail, it is
simply retried continuously until either an
attempt succeeds or the device is reset.
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0019
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports the
endstation table has moved to the
modified state. (event [{e}])
Event and Alarm Messages
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Device Events and Alarms
Ta ble 4-1.
3Com Por tSw itch Hu bs Even ts a n d Ala r m s (Con tin u ed )
Messa ge in th e Even t Log
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0020
Ala r m View P r oba ble Ca u se
Messa ge
CsP Ca u se/P r ob00ea 0020
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports the
When the end-station table becomes full
this trap is generated.
endstation table is full. (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0025
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that the
slot. port. index {I 2} mau has entered or
left the available state. current state is
{T maustate 1}. (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0027
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a new
entity of service type {T service 1} has
been installed at location {I 2}. The
service ID is {I 5} and the entity has
name {S 9} and {I 7} ports. (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0028
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that an
entity of service ID {I 1} and entity
name {S 3} has been removed. (event
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0029
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that an
entity of service ID {I 1} at the slot.
index is {I 4} has changed its facilitities
for its type {T etype 3} to {I 5}. (event
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0030
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a card
is added to the service {I 1}. (event [{e}])
9032295 E2
Event and Alarm Messages
Device Events and Alarms
Ta ble 4-1.
3Com Por tSw itch Hu bs Even ts a n d Ala r m s (Con tin u ed )
Messa ge in th e Even t Log
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0031
Ala r m View P r oba ble Ca u se
Messa ge
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
CsP Ca u se/P r ob00ea 0033
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a card
has been removed from the service {I 1}.
(event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0032
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a
physical entity of service id {I 1} has
changed state to {T estate 3}. (event
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0033
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that the
power requirements of the entities in
The combination of the power requirements
of all the entities in the chassis has been
calculated to exceed the power capacity of
the chassis exceed the power capacity of the power supplies present in the chassis.
the power supplies. (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0034
CsP Ca u se/P r ob00ea 0034
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that the
Mounted on the Management card is a
temperature sensing device. This device
managemant card temperature sensing provides three output levels: OK, WARM
device is reporting DANGER. (event
and DANGER. DANGER causes a trap to
be generated.
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0035
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that the
status input {I 2} of name {S 3} has
changed state to {I 1} (1=Open,
2=Closed). (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0036
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that port {I
2} has learned a staion address {H 3}.
(event [{e}])
Event and Alarm Messages
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Device Events and Alarms
Ta ble 4-1.
3Com Por tSw itch Hu bs Even ts a n d Ala r m s (Con tin u ed )
Messa ge in th e Even t Log
Ala r m View P r oba ble Ca u se
Messa ge
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0037
CsP Ca u se/P r ob00ea 0037
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
This trap indicates that this port has
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a port detected security violation.
{I 2} has detected a security violation.
(event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0038
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a port
{I 2} has had its partion state changed
to {I 1} (1=Partitioned,
2=UnPartitioned). (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0039
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a port
{I 2} has had its link state changed to {I
1} (1=Present, 2=Absent). (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0040
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a port
{I 2} has had its Admin state changed to
{I 1} (1=Enabled, 2=Disabled) by a
gauge. (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0041
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a port
{I 2} has had its Bandwith Used
threshold {I 3} exceeded. The Bandwith
used is {I 1} (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0042
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a port
{I 2} has had its Errors/10000 packets
threshold {I 3} exceeded. The Errors/
10000 packets is {I 1} (event [{e}])
9032295 E2
Event and Alarm Messages
Device Events and Alarms
Ta ble 4-1.
3Com Por tSw itch Hu bs Even ts a n d Ala r m s (Con tin u ed )
Messa ge in th e Even t Log
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0043
Ala r m View P r oba ble Ca u se
Messa ge
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a port
{I 2} in a resilience pair has had a
change in state and the active port has
been switched. The state of the main
port is {I 1} the state of the backup port
is {I 3} (1=Failed, 2=OK, 3=OK-And-
Active) (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0044
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a port
{I 2} in a resilience pair has had a
change in state and the active port has
not been switched. The state of the
main port is {I 1} the state of the backup
port is {I 3} (1=Failed, 2=OK, 3=OK-
And-Active) (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0045
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a
topology change has ocuured in the ring
at time {I 1}. (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0046
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that the
main rings state has changed to {T
rstate 1}. (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0047
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that the
backup rings state has changed to {T
rstate 1}. (event [{e}])
Event and Alarm Messages
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Device Events and Alarms
Ta ble 4-1.
3Com Por tSw itch Hu bs Even ts a n d Ala r m s (Con tin u ed )
Messa ge in th e Even t Log
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0048
Ala r m View P r oba ble Ca u se
Messa ge
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that either
the main and backup rings have
wrapped or that the wrap condition has
been removed. The new wrap state is {I
1} (1=NotWrapped, 2=Wrapped). (event
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0049
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a MAU
port {I 2} has had a change in attach
state and the admin state of the port is
disabled. The new attach state is {I 1}
(1=Absent, 2=Present). (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0050
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that the
Ring In port has changed state while
the mode is fail-safe. The new Ring In
state is {I 1} (1=Open, 2=Wrap). (event
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0051
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that the
Ring Out port has changed state while
the mode is fail-safe. The new Ring Out
state is {I 1} (1=Open, 2=Wrap). (event
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0060
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a MAU
port {I 2} has changed state due to
operation of ZDL or DRI. The new MAU
port state is {I 1} (1=Enabled,
2=Disabled). If disabled the reason is {I
3} (1=None, 2=Mgmt, 3=ZDL, 4=DRI).
(event [{e}])
9032295 E2
Event and Alarm Messages
Device Events and Alarms
Ta ble 4-1.
3Com Por tSw itch Hu bs Even ts a n d Ala r m s (Con tin u ed )
Messa ge in th e Even t Log
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0061
Ala r m View P r oba ble Ca u se
Messa ge
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that the
managed agent has recieved a reply to a
poll after a sequence of four or more un-
successfull polls. The addres is {S 1}
with protocol {T pprot 3}. (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0062
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that the
managed agent has not recieved a reply
to a poll after a sequence of four un-
successfull polls. The address is {S 1}
with protocol {T pprot 3}. (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0063
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that the
Resilient Backup Power Supply
connected to this repeater has
developed a fault. (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0064
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that the
Resilient Backup Power Supply
connected to this repeater has
recovered from a fault. (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0066
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a port
{I 2} has seen an unrecognised MAC
address and is doing the following
action {I 1} (2=Notify, 3=Disconnect).
(event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0067
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a
repeater {I 2} has had its Bandwith
Used threshold {I 3} exceeded. The
Bandwith used is {I 1} (event [{e}])
Event and Alarm Messages
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Device Events and Alarms
Ta ble 4-1.
3Com Por tSw itch Hu bs Even ts a n d Ala r m s (Con tin u ed )
Messa ge in th e Even t Log
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0068
Ala r m View P r oba ble Ca u se
Messa ge
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a
repeater {I 2} has had its Errors/10000
packets threshold {I 3} exceeded. The
Errors/10000 packets is {I 1} (event
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0069
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a card
{I 2} has had its Bandwith Used
threshold {I 3} exceeded. The Bandwith
used is {I 1} (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0070
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a card
{I 2} has had its Errors/10000 packets
threshold {I 3} exceeded. The Errors/
10000 packets is {I 1} (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0071
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a new
station has been learned. The station
info is {I 2} (slot. port. MAC-Address)
(event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0074
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a poll
has been replied to from address {I 1}.
(event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0075
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a poll
has failed to be replied to from address
{I 1}. (event [{e}])
9032295 E2
Event and Alarm Messages
Device Events and Alarms
Ta ble 4-1.
3Com Por tSw itch Hu bs Even ts a n d Ala r m s (Con tin u ed )
Messa ge in th e Even t Log
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0078
Ala r m View P r oba ble Ca u se
Messa ge
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
No P r oba ble ca u se m essa ge.
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a
security violation has occured on port {I
2} (slot. port. MAC-Address). The port’s
admin status is now {I 3} (1=Enabled,
2=Disabled) (event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0079
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a port
{I 2} has had a change in auto partition
state. The new state is {I 1}.
(1=Partitioned, 2=Unpartitioned)
(event [{e}])
CsEvFor m a t/Even t00ea 0080
{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} A 3Com
Hub, {t} (name {m}) reports that a port
{I 2} has had a change in link state. The
new state is {I 1}. (1=Partitioned,
2=Unpartitioned) (event [{e}])
Event and Alarm Messages
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Ch a p ter 5
Ap p lica tion View s
Wh a t Is in Th is Ch a p ter
This chapter describes the device-specific applications listed below for 3Com
PortSwitch Hubs. The corresponding application model type is shown in
• 3Com Security Application (3ComSecApp)
- Local SNMP Application (3ComSnmpApp2)
- Power Supply Application (3CompowerApp)
- System Loader Application (3ComsysLdApp2)
• 3Com RMON Extensions Application (3ComRmonExtApp)
• 3Com SNMP Extensions Application (3Com1516ExtApp)
• 3Com SuperStack Configuration Application (3ComSSConfApp)
• 3Com Serial Interface Application (3ComserIfApp)
- Interface Extensions Application (3ComExtIfApp)
- Port Security Application (3ComSecPortApp)
- Mrm Resilience Standby Application (3CommrmResApp)
9032295 E2
Common Applications
Com m on Ap p lica tion s
This device supports the following common applications described in the MIB
II Applica tion s Refer en ce:
• MIB-II (SNMP2_Agent)
- IP (IP2_App)
- System (System2_App)
- TCP (TCP2_App)
- UDP (UDP2_App)
The Standard RMON application is available if you purchase the associated
service. This application is described in its management module guide.
Device Ap p lica tion View
This view shows the common and device-specific applications supported by
this device and provides access to application-specific information.
To change the display mode, select View -> Mod e -> List or Icon .
Application Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Device Application View
Figu r e 5-1.
Device Ap p lica tion View (Icon Mod e)
Example of type Hub3ComPortSw of Landscape daedalus: Primary
Net Addr
Model Name
Sys Up Time
Device Type
Serial Number
Model Name
Local SNMP
Power Supp
System Loa
9032295 E2
Application Views
Device Application View
Figu r e 5-2.
Device Ap p lica tion View (List Mod e)
Example of type Hub3ComPortSw of Landscape daedalus: Primary
Net Addr
Model Name
Sys Up Time
Device Type
Serial Number
Application Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Security Application
Secu r ity Ap p lica tion
This application supports security features on the device. The model type
name is 3Com SecAp p.
Secu r ity View
This view contains the Security Enable Table and the following buttons:
Secu r ity User s
Accesses the Security Users Table view, described below.
Secu r ity Au d it Log
Accesses the Security Audit Table view, described below.
Secu r ity En a ble Ta ble
This table displays permission for access to the device from each of its
interfaces. Users are assigned security levels in the Security Users Table view.
Secu r ity Level
Displays the security level for the table. This field also acts as the index for the
table. Possible values are Monitor, SecureMonitor, Manager, Specialist, and
The following fields have possible values of Enable, Disable,
PermanentlyEnabled, and PermanantlyDisabled. You can change these fields
from the Security Enable Table Entry view.
Com m u n ity
The community SNMP access permission.
Secu r e
The secure SNMP access permission.
Ter m in a l
The local terminal access permission.
Teln et
The Telnet access permission.
Fr on tPa n el
The front panel access permission.
9032295 E2
Application Views
Security Application
Secu r ity User s Ta ble view
This view allows you to add and delete users and to modify their security
levels. The default users, Monitor, Manager, and Security, cannot be deleted.
Double-clicking an entry in this table displays the Security Enable Table
Entry view.
This table displays the following:
Sta tu s
Displays the user status. Possible values are Valid and Invalid. A value of
Invalid means the user can no longer access the device. The default users,
Monitor, Manager, and Security, can not have their status changed to Invalid.
You can update this field in the Security Users Table Entry view.
Na m e
Displays the user name. This is the index for the table. Empty user names are
not allowed.
Displays the user access level. This access level defines the scope of
management this user can perform. The levels of security are the same as in
all users except the default users.
Pa ssw or d
Displays the password required for user confirmation when access is made
from the local serial port, the front panel, or through Telnet. The Password
field is only available in the Security Users Table Entry view and is a write-
only field.
Com m u n ity
Displays a string identifying the user when access is through the original
community-based SNMP (RFC1157). You can update this field.
Loca l Pa r ty
Displays the local party identity of the user when access is through secure
SNMP. You can update this field.
Ma n a ger Pa r ty
Displays the manager party identity of the user when access is through secure
SNMP. You can update this field.
Ad d En tr y
Allows you to add entries to the table.
Application Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Security Application
Secu r ity Au d it Ta ble View
This view displays a record of all updates to the managed database of the
device. When the log is full the oldest entry is overwritten. Therefore, this log
should be read regularly by a management device so that a permanent record
of the management history can be stored.
This view cannot be modified. It displays the following:
In d ex
Displays the index number for an entry. This is a value between 1 and 65535,
which resets to 1 after reaching 65535.
Tim e
Displays the time of the last update request, in hundredths of a second since
the last system restart.
Displays the name of the user making the request.
Displays the object identifier for the item being updated. This includes any
qualifier for the object.
Va lu e
Displays the new value for the item.
Resu lt
Ta ble 5-1.
Secu r ity Au d it Log Resu lts
Resu lt
Mea n in g
Update succeeded
Update not yet completed
Value rejected as too big for the item
Value rejected by access function
Item is locked by another manager
User does not have privileges for this request
Item is read-only
Item does not exist
9032295 E2
Application Views
Security Application
Local SNMP Application
Loca l SNMP Ap p lica tion
This application provides access to the Local SNMP view, allowing you to set
SNMP Traps for this device. The model type for this application is
3Com Sn m p Ap p 2.
Loca l SNMP View
This view contains the following:
Next Fr ee In d ex
Displays the index value for the next table entry.
Ad d En tr y
Accesses the Add SNMP Table Entry view, which allows you to set the
following values for a new entry.
SNMP Tr a p Ta ble
This table stores the destination addresses of SNMP managers that wish to
receive traps from this device. Double-clicking an entry in this table displays
the SNMP Trap Table Entry view in which you can update values.
In d ex
Displays the index for this entry.
Destin a tion
Displays the network address of the device to which the SNMP traps will be
P r otocol
Displays the transport protocol to use when sending the trap. Possible values
are IP, IPX, and None.
Com m u n ity
Displays the SNMP community string to be used when sending the trap. You
can update this field.
Application Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Security Application
Ca tegor y
Displays the categories of traps in which the Destination is interested.
Ta ble 5-2.
SNMP Tr a p Ca tegor ies
Va lu e
Descr ip tion
High priority configuration traps
Low priority configuration traps
High priority security traps
Low priority security traps
Alarms and polling traps
Regular heartbeat traps
End Station Table traps
Physical entity traps
Facility traps
Service related traps
Enables all traps
Th r ottle
The maximum rate at which the Destination is willing to receive traps, in
milliseconds. A value of 2000 will limit the traps to one every 2 seconds. A
value of 0 indicates that no trap throttling is required. You can update this
Row Sta tu s
Ta ble 5-3.
SNMP Tr a p Row Sta tu s Va lu es
Va lu e
Descr ip tion
This status can be displayed and set
This status can be displayed and set
This status can be displayed but not set
Used only when adding entries
Used only when adding entries
Deletes the entry
9032295 E2
Application Views
Security Application
Power Supply Application
Pow er Su p p ly Ap p lica tion
This application provides access to the Power Supply Configuration view,
which presents a table containing power supply information for this device.
The model type for this application is 3Com p ow er Ap p.
Pow er Su p p ly Con figu r a tion View
This view contains the Power Supply Table and a description of how power
supply information is generated.
Pow er Su p p ly Ta ble
This table displays the status of all power supply units in the stack. Double-
click an entry in this table to display the Power Supply Table Entry view for
that entry. You can not update information in either view.
In d ex
Displays the index number of the unit in question.
RBS P r esen t
Indicates if a Resilient Backup Power Supply unit is attached to the unit.
RBS Sta tu s
Displays the status of the Resilient Backup Power Supply attached to the
Ta ble 5-4.
Pow er Su p p ly RBS Sta tu s Va lu es
Va lu e
Descr ip tion
The unit does not support Resilient Power Supplies
The Resilient Power Supply is functioning with no faults
The Resilient Power Supply has a fault
Application Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Security Application
System Loader Application
System Loa d er Ap p lica tion
This application provides access to the System Loader View, which presents a
table containing a history of software images loaded on this device. The model
type for this application is 3Com sysLd Ap p 2.
System Loa d er View
This view contains the System Loader Table. Double-click an entry in this
table to display the System Loader Entry view in which you can update the
Filename and Server Address fields for that entry and initiate downloads.
System Loa d er Ta ble
This table is used to control the loading of new software images to the device
controlled by the management agent. By convention, the first entry in the
table (Type=System) controls the loading of the device containing the
management agent itself. Agents that have no subsidiary devices will have
only this entry in the System Loader Table. For agents with subsidiary
devices, the other entries control the loading of software into these devices.
Typ e
Displays the type of device to load. Simple agents contain only one device type,
which is always “System”. Subsidiary agents have the type “Component”. In
general, a “System” device is one that monitors and manages the operation of
component devices.
In st
Displays the instance of the device type in the Type field.
9032295 E2
Application Views
Security Application
System Loader Application
Sta tu s
Displays the status of the last system load operation for this device, or the
Ta ble 5-5.
System Loa d er Sta tu s Sta tes
Sta te
Messa ge
“Normal” states
Error states
SWVer s
Displays the version of the software running on this device.
HWVer s
Displays the revision number of the hardware of this device.
Filen a m e
Displays the name of the file that contains the software image to load or that
was last loaded. You can update this field.
Ser ver Ad d r or Ser ver IP
The IP address of the host containing the file which contains the software
image. You can update this field. This can be either an IP address in the
format nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, or an IPX address in the format
Application Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
RMON Extensions Application
AABBCCDD:112233445566. An error is returned if the agent does not support
the download protocol implied by the address format.
P r otocol
Displays the protocol to use when downloading the software. This is
determined from the format of the address in the Server Addr field.
Loa d
This field is only available in the System Loader Entry view. It is always
displayed as NoAction. Set the value to StartDownLoad to load the new
software as specified in this entry.
RMON Exten sion s Ap p lica tion
This application supports the RMON Extensions View. The model type for this
application is 3Com RMONExtAp p.
RMON Exten sion s View
This view contains a Poll Table and the following buttons:
Host Tables
Alarm Event Tables
Poll Ta ble
This table appears in two windows on the RMON Extensions View. It contains
the following information:
In d ex
Identifier of a row in the Poll Table.
IP Ad d r ess
Displays the network address of the device to monitor. Typically this is an IP,
MAC, or IPX address. The following formats can be used.
• IP nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn - dotted format
• MAC AABBCCDDEEFF - hex notation
9032295 E2
Application Views
RMON Extensions Application
P r otocol
Displays the protocol used to monitor the device. Writing to the address field
causes a default protocol value, derived from the format/content of the
address, to be setup. If the protocol is not supported or is not compatible with
the address, an error is returned when the status is set to valid. Possible
values are unknown, ip, ipx, netBIOS, appleTalk, and amp.
Tim eou t
Displays the time-out value in hundreds of a second for each request packet.
Attem p t
Displays the number of unsuccessful requests necessary before deciding that
the device is not responding.
Per iod
Displays how often the device will be polled, in seconds. The first poll is sent
as soon as the status becomes valid.
La st Requ est
Displays the time, counting from the last system reset, at which the most
recent request packet was sent.
La stRep ly
Displays the time, counting from the last system reset, at which the most
recent request packet was received.
In for m a tion
After each poll, this field is updated with protocol-specific information from
the packet exchange. For the IPX protocol, this displays the number of router
hops made by the poll response packet. For the IP protocol, this displays the
value of Time-To-Live from the IP packet header.
Su ccess In d ex
Displays the index of the event that is used when a successful poll is made
after a number of unsuccessful ones. If this value is zero, no event will be
Fa ilu r e In d ex
Displays the index of the event that is used when an unsuccessful poll is made
after a number of successful ones. If this value is zero, no event will be
Ow n er
Displays the owner of the device. RMON OwnerString conventions are used
here to help control multi-manager situations.
Sta tu s
Displays the creation or deletion status of entries in the PollTable. RMON
EntryStatus conventions are used.
Application Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
SNMP Extensions Application
RMON Exten sion s Host View
This view contains MAC to Port and Port to MAC tables. These tables provide
cross references between the MAC address of a port and the complete Object
ID string that refers to that port.
RMON Exten sion s Even t Ala r m View
This view contains the Alarm Table and the Event Table. The Alarm Table
cross references the index number for an alarm with its peak value. The Event
Table cross references the index number for an event with its action. Double-
click the Event Action field to edit it.
SNMP Exten sion s Ap p lica tion
This application supports the SNMP-Repeater Configuration View. The model
type name for this application is 3Com 1516ExtAp p.
SNMP -Rep ea ter Con figu r a tion View
This view contains the following buttons and fields:
Allows you to reset the repeater. Resetting does not affect the management
counters or the Administrative State, but it does cause a disruptive Self-Test.
As a result of this action a Reset trap may be sent. This action may result in
the loss of packets. Possible values are noReset and reset.
Non Disr u p t Test
Selecting selfTest performs an agent-specific, non-disruptive self-test. After
performing this test the agent will update the repeater health information. If
a change in the repeater health has occurred, the agent will send a trap.
Possible values are noSelfTest and selfTest.
Op er a tion a l Sta tu s
Displays the operational state of the repeater. In the case of multiple kinds of
failures (for example, a repeater failure and a port failure), this value will
reflect the highest priority failure.
9032295 E2
Application Views
SNMP Extensions Application
SNMP -Rep ea ter Op er a tion a l Sta tu s Va lu es
Ta ble 5-6.
Va lu e
Descr ip tion
Undefined or unknown
No known failures
Repeater related failure
Group related failure
Port related failure
An unspecified failure
Hea lth Text
Displays a string that provides information on the operational state of the
repeater. This may be used to provide detailed failure information or
instructions for problem resolution.
Pa r tition ed Por ts
Displays the number of ports in the repeater whose current state meets all the
following criteria:
• The Port Operational Status does not have the value notPresent
• The Port Administrative Status is enabled
• The Port Auto Partition State is set to autoPartitioned
Gr ou p Ca p a city
Displays the number of groups that can be contained within the repeater.
Within each managed repeater, groups are numbered from 1 to this number.
Some groups may not be present in a given repeater, in which case the actual
number of groups will be less than this number.
In practice, this will generally be the number of modules, cards, or boards that
can fit in the physical repeater enclosure, and the group numbers will
correspond to numbers marked on the physical enclosure.
Reconfigure Application
This button applies the current settings.
rfc1516 Extensions
This button accesses the RFC1516 Extensions view.
Application Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
SNMP Extensions Application
RF C1516 Exten sion s View
This view contains the RFC1516 Extensions Table, which displays
information on the configuration of the ports on the device. Double-click any of
the table entries to access the RFC1516 Extension Entry view, from which the
Part Event, Link Event and Repeater Num can be modified.
RF C1516 Exten sion s Ta ble
This table contains the following fields:
In d ex
Displays the specific port within the stack in the format “module.port”.
Pa r t Even
Displays whether an RMON event is generated when the port partition state
changes. If no event is generated, this will be zero. The default value will be
zero for point-to-point fiber and copper links like UTP, 10BaseF, etc. For multi-
drop links, this will default to sending a trap and logging an event in the
RMON log table.
Lin k Sta te Even t
Displays the RMON event generated when the link signal is lost for this port.
If no event is required, this object will be zero. The default value is zero.
Mod u le
This attribute indicates whether the port is a modular port or not. Possible
values are Unknown, Modular Port, and Not Modular Port.
F u n ction
Displays the function of the port. Possible values are Unknown, Repeater, and
Rep ea ter Nu m
Displays the repeater to which this port is connected in a multiple repeater
system. Setting this to a value that is illegal for a particular repeater will
result in an error code being returned. By default each port is connected to a
default repeater.
Each repeater in the stack is represented in the system by an entry in the
interface table. To switch a repeater port between different repeaters, change
the value of the interface index to the new value. An error is returned if the
value cannot be used; for example, using an index number that does not
represent a repeater, or attempting to connect to a repeater that is not in the
same unit.
Allow ed Rep s
Displays the repeaters to which a particular port may be connected.
9032295 E2
Application Views
SuperStack Application
This is a sequence of 16-bit numbers, each a pair of octets. Each encoded value
represents a repeater. The value of the field Repeater Num may be set to any
of the values in this list.
For example, is a port can be connected to repeaters 55, 92, and 333, the
encoding would be:
Repeater 55
Repeater 92
Repeater 333
The final value would be
Con n Typ e
Displays the connector type. Possible values are Unknown, RJ 45, Telco, ST,
SMA, Female-DType-15, BNC, SC, Male-DType-15, and Cascade.
Su p er Sta ck Ap p lica tion
This application suppports the SuperStack Configuration view. The model
type name for this application is 3Com SSCon fAp p.
Su p er Sta ck Con figu r a tion View
This view provides the SuperStack Table. Double-click any field to access the
Stack Config Entry view, in which you can modify the Name and Attention
settings of a device.
In d ex
Displays a number used to identify individual devices in the stack. This value
will usually be contiguous but gaps may be present due, for example, to
unpowered devices.
Ad d r ess
Displays the physical (MAC) address. Note that the index value can change if
devices are inserted into the stack, but that the physical address will not.
La st Reset
Displays the time, in hundredths of a second, since this device was last reset.
If a device is not operational, this will be zero.
Typ e
Displays a number that represents this type of device in the MIB.
The values of this integer are administered by allocating a MIB object
identifier for each type of unit from a common branch. The value of this object
is then the last level in that identifier. The values are defined in this MIB
Application Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
SuperStack Application
SuperStack Configuration View
module, and unlikely to be contiguous. If a type value is not available for this
device, this will return zero. There are two reasons why this value may not be
available through this view of the MIB; the device may not currently be active,
or the information is only available through the device’s own agent.
Descr ip tion
Displays a text string that describes the device. If it cannot provide a name,
this will be empty.
Na m e
Displays a simple text string that can be used to assign a name to a device. By
default this string is empty. If a management application writes to this field,
the device will store the string in non-volatile storage.
Sta te
Displays the state of a unit in the stack. Possible values are shown in
Ta ble 5-7.
Su p er Sta ck Ta ble Sta te Va lu es
Va lu e
Descr ip tion
The unit fails to send out periodic messages, but still
appears to be in the stack.
The unit sends out periodic messages indicating that it is
The unit is in a special mode, which is unmanaged, while
loading a new image. If the stack contains units which can
download an image while still being managed, this will
report 'unitOperational'.
The unit is in an unknown state.
Ma n a gem en t
Displays the management method used to access this unit. Possible values are
Ta ble 5-8.
Su p er Sta ck Ta ble Ma n a gem en t Va lu es
Va lu e
Descr ip tion
The unit is either faulty or not managable.
The unit can be managed, but may or may not have an
active comm stack. If it does, the address for that agent can
be determined from the address table.
The unit has its own SNMP agent, which is accessed
seperately from the SuperStack management.
9032295 E2
Application Views
SuperStack Application
SuperStack Configuration View
Ca p a bilities
Displays the capabilities of the device. This is used in conjunction with the
upgrade level of the stack to enable a management application to correctly
enable and disable the various features of the application depending on the
capabilities of the unit.
The object is an octet string, where each octet represents a capability. Possible
Ta ble 5-9.
Su p er Sta ck Ta ble Ca p a bility Va lu es
Va lu e
Descr ip tion
3Com Proprietary repeater resilience
3Com Repeater Security MIB
If a unit has a value of '02 03' for this object, then it supports repeater
resilience and security, but no other features such as RMON.
P r om Ver sion
Displays the PROM version number on the device. If the unit has no PROM,
does not correctly report the PROM version, or is currently non-operational,
this will be empty.
HW Ver sion
Displays the hardware version number of the device. If the hardware version
is not available, this will be empty.
SW Ver sion
Displays the software version number of the device. If a unit does not make its
version number information available, or the device has no software, this will
be empty.
Ser ia l Nu m ber
Displays the serial number for the device.
Atten tion
Displays if there is an attention mechanism on a device. Possible values are
No Attention and Attention.
Some units contain a mechanism for drawing attention, which is useful for
directing maintainance personnel. This is often done by flashing a special
Mgm t If
If the Management type is Distributed, this field displays the entry in the
interface table which represents the potential management interface for the
device. If this is zero, there is no management available for the device.
Application Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Serial I/ f Application
Slip Mgm t
If the Management type is Distributed, this field displays the entry in the
interface table which represents the potential SLIP (serial port) management
interface for the device. If this is zero there is no SLIP access port available on
the device.
Ser ia l I/f Ap p lica tion
The Serial Interface application supports the V.24 Port Config view, and serves
as the anchor point for the Interface Extensions application, the Port Security
application, and the Mrm Resilience application. The model type for this
application is 3Com ser IfAp p.
V.24 Por t Con fig View
This view contains the V.24 Port Config Table and Slip Port field.
Slip Por t
The serial port which SLIP can use to send and receive packets. If this field
has a value of 0xffff, then SLIP can not send or receive packets. You can
update this field.
V.24 Por t Con fig Ta ble
This table describes the configuration parameters for the V.24 ports. Double-
click an entry to accesses the V.24 Configuration Table Entry view in which
you can update the selected entry.
This table contains the following:
Displays the Port ID and index for this table.
Con n
Displays whether the port is connected Local to a terminal or terminal
emulator, or Remote to a modem. If it is Local no interface signals need to be
asserted unless by other management options. If it is Remote, at least DSR is
Au to Con
Displays Enabled if the next four parameter values are determined
automatically from an initial character sequence entered by the user. Displays
Disabled if the parameter values are entered explicitly.
9032295 E2
Application Views
Serial I/ f Application
Interface Extensions Application
Sp eed
Displays the receive and transmit speed of the port if AutoConfig is disabled.
Different speeds for transmit and receive are not possible.
Ch a r Size
Displays the character size if AutoConfig is disabled. Possible values are size7
and size8.
Stop Bits
Displays the number of stop bits, either 1, 1.5, or 2, if AutoConfig is disabled.
Pa r ity
Displays the parity option to use if AutoConfig is disabled.
DSR Con t
This field only applies to Local connection types. It displays whether DSR
needs to be asserted for a local connection to be made and if the connection
needs to be released if the DSR is seen deasserted.
DCD Con t
This field only applies to Local connection types. It displays whether DCD
needs to be asserted for a local connection to be made and if the connection
needs to be released if the DCD is seen deasserted.
F low Con t
Displays the flow control protocol to be used.
Up d a te
Set this field to Change using the V.24 Configuration Table Entry view to force
the port to update its parameters.
In ter fa ce Exten sion s Ap p lica tion
This application provides the Interface Extensions view. The model type for
this application is 3Com ExtIfAp p.
In ter fa ce Exten sion s View
This view contains the Interface Extensions Table. Double-click an entry to
access the RFC1516 Extension Entry view, which allows you to modify an
Displays the interface number.
En a ble Bootp
Displays whether BootP is enabled or not.
Application Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Serial I/ f Application
Interface Extensions Application
IP Ad d r ess
Displays the IP address for this interface.
This parameter can be changed to a new IP; however, changing this
parameter by itself has no effect on the IP stack configuration and this value
will not automatically be stored for the next restart.
The correct sequence is to make any changes, then Apply Changes. When
Apply Changes is set to 'apply', the IP stack will store the changes
permanently and will restart the stack.
Netm a sk
Displays the subnet mask for this interface. See the description of IP Address
for a more information.
Defa u lt Rou ter
Displays the IP address of the default router used by this interface. See the
description of IP Address for a more information.
Ap p ly Ch a n ges
This causes changes to the IP configuration of the device to be made
permanent, reconfigures the stack to use the parameters, and optionally
restarts the stack using these parameters. Store And Apply will store changes
in non-volatile memory and reconfigure the stack to use those parameters.
Applying the new parameters may cause the device to reset. In this case there
will be a delay of a few seconds before the new configuration is adopted, which
will allow the SNMP response to the set request to be returned.
The correct procedure when changing IP configuration is to set all individual
parameters and then apply changes. If the device resets before a Store And
Apply is done, it will loose the changes.
Possible values are Not Applicable and Store And Apply.
En a ble IP X
Displays whether IPX is enabled or not.
Possible values are Not Available, Enable, and Disable.
Na m e
Displays a short text name associated with an interface. Not all interface
types can be named. If an instance of this object does not exist for a particular
interface, then that interface cannot be named.
9032295 E2
Application Views
Serial I/ f Application
Port Security Application
Por t Secu r ity Ap p lica tion
This application provides access to the the Port Security View. The model for
this application is 3Com SecPor tAp p.
Por t Secu r ity View
This view contains the following security information:
Por t Secu r ity Ta ble
This table displays the security status of each port. A port can have a number
of authorized MAC addresses, which are displayed in the Port Address Table.
Double-click any entry to edit information for that row.
Displays the unit on which a given port resides.
Por t
Displays the number of the port in question.
Mod e
Displays the learning and security modes of the port. Possible values are No
Restrictions, Continuous Learning, Auto Learn, and Secure. No Restrictions
disables all learning and security. Continuous Learning means that addresses
are learned continually. If more addresses are learned than are permitted on
the port, the older entries will be aged out. Auto Learn deletes all addresses
for this port, learns addresses up to the number permitted, then sets Port
Mode to secure. Secure disables learning.
When in a learning mode, Num Addr displays the maximum number of
addresses that can be learned on the port. This can be set by the user.
A trap is sent whenever a station has been learned, and a different trap is
sent whenever a packet is received from an unauthorized station.
Need To Kn ow
possible values and their meanings.
Ta ble 5-10.
Por t Secu r ity Need To Kn ow Va lu es
Va lu e
Mea n in g
Not Available
Need to know is not available. This is not changeable.
No restrictions are in place and all frames get sent.
Application Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Serial I/ f Application
Port Security Application
Ta ble 5-10.
Por t Secu r ity Need To Kn ow Va lu es (Con tin u ed )
Va lu e
Mea n in g
Need To Know Only
Frames are restricted to those addressed to authorized
Need To Know With
Broadcast Allowed
Frames are restricted to those addressed to authorized
devices and broadcast frames.
Need To Know With
Multicast Allowed
Frames are restricted to those addressed to authorized
devices. broadcast and multicast frames.
Permanent Need To
Know Only
Frames are restricted to those addressed to authorized
devices. This is not changeable.
Permanent Need To
Know With Broadcast
Frames are restricted to those addressed to authorized
devices and broadcast frames. This is not changeable.
Permanent Need To
Know With Multicast
Frames are restricted to those addressed to authorized
devices. broadcast and multicast frames This is not
In tr Action
Displays the action taken if an unauthorized device transmits on this port.
Possible values are Not Available, No Action, and Disable Port.
Nu m Ad d r
Displays the maximum number of addresses that the port can learn or store.
Reducing this number may cause some addresses to be deleted. This value is
set by the user and cannot be automatically changed by the agent. This value
must be less than or equal to Max Addr.
Nu m Ad d r Stor ed
Displays he number of addresses that are currently in the Port Address Table
for this port. If this object has the same value as Num Addr, no more
addresses can be authorized on this port. This value must be less than or
equal to Num Addr.
Ma x Ad d r
Displays the maximum value that Num Addr can be set to. It is dependent on
the system resources available, and so may change as system processes
change. If resources are shared between ports, this value could increase or
decrease as resources are shifted around.
9032295 E2
Application Views
Serial I/ f Application
Port Security Application
Por t Ad d r ess Ta ble
This table displays the MAC addresses assigned to each port. Addresses will
normally be defined as authorized, and describe the devices which are
permitted to transmit and receive on the corresponding port.
Displays the slot number of the port in question.
Por t
Displays the port number of the port in question.
MAC Ad d r ess
The MAC address of a station assigned to this port.
Row Sta tu s
The status for this entry.
Ta ble 5-11.
Row Sta tu s Va lu es
Va lu e
Descr ip tion
This status can be displayed and set
This status can be displayed and set
This status can be displayed but not set
Used only when adding entries
Used only when adding entries
Deletes the entry
Application Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Serial I/ f Application
Mrm Resilience Application
Mr m Resilien ce Ap p lica tion
This application provides access to the Mrm Resilience Table view. The model
for this application is 3Com m r m ResAp p .
Mr m Resilien ce View
This view contains the Mrm Resilience Table and the following:
F lu sh Ta ble
Setting this menu button to Flush empties the Resilience Table. Once flushed,
no resilient links are configured. You can now configure new links.
Ad d En tr y
This button opens the Add Resilient Table Entry view. Enter the Instance of
the new pair and set the Under Mod field to Under-Mod. This creates an
empty entry in the table. Double-click the entry to be able to enter the
Sta n d By Ma p Ta ble
This button opens the Mrm Resilience Standby Table.
Mr m Resilien ce Ta ble
A device can be configured to have a number of “resilient pairs” 802.3 Point-to-
Point connections; for example, UTP, which allows two repeaters to be
connected in a resilient configuration. In such a pair, one port is the main port,
the other the standby port. One of these ports is enabled and is the current
active port, the other is present in case the active port fails. The device detects
a failure and switches ports.
For a resilient pair definition to be valid, both ports must be on the same
repeater. Also, the standby port must be configured to be “disabled on boot”;
that is, it must recover from a power failure in a disabled state to prevent
loops in the network.
This table allows creation and deletion or resilient pairs and provides status
control and information. The entries are indexed on the repeater number and
slot/port location of the main port.
Double-clicking an entry accesses the Mrm Resilience Table Entry View in
which you can update the configuration of a resilient pair.
Rep ea ter
Displays the repeater on which both ports in the pair are located.
9032295 E2
Application Views
Serial I/ f Application
Ma in Slot
Displays the slot number of the main port in the pair.
Ma in Por t
Displays the port number of the main port in the pair.
Ma in Sta te
Ta ble 5-12.
Mr m Resilien ce Ma in or Sta n d by Sta tes
Va lu e
Descr ip tion
Loss of signal to the port
Port is capable of carrying traffic but is in the standby state
Port is active
SBY Slot
Displays the slot number of the standby port in the pair. You can update this
field using the Mrm Resilience Table Entry view.
SBY Por t
Displays the port number of the standby port in the pair. You can update this
field using the Mrm Resilience Table Entry view.
SBY Sta te
Pa ir Sta te
Displays the state of the resilient pair. Possible values are Operational and
Invalid. When this field is Operational, all of the parameters in the entry are
valid. When this field is Invalid, either information has been omitted, or the
resilient pair rules are no longer valid because of a change in the configuration
of the device, such as moving a card.
Mod Sta te
Displays the Modification State of the resilient pair. You must set the Under
Mod field in the Mrm Resilience Table Entry view to a value of Under-Mod
before changing the configuration of a pair. The changes are not applied until
this field shows the value Stable.
Pa ir Action
This field is used to change the state of the pair. Setting a value of Create
configures the pair using the definitions in the entry. Setting Delete removes
the entry from the table and terminates operation of resilience on this pair of
ports. The setting TogglePort swaps the currently active port with the standby
one if, and only if, the standby port has a status of OK.
Application Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Serial I/ f Application
Pa ir En a ble
This filed Enables or Disables both ports in the resilient pair.
Mr m Resilien ce Sta n d by Ta ble
The Mrm Resilience Standby Table is accessed by clicking the Standby Map
Table button in the Mrm Resilience view. This is a read-only table which
provides shortcut information to allow the translation of a port number to a
corresponding main port number. This number can then be used to access the
Mrm Resilience Table. Each resilient pair has two entries in the table, one for
the main port and one for the standby.
Rep ea ter
Displays the repeater on which the port is located.
Displays the slot number on which the port is located.
Por t
Displays the port number of the port.
Typ e
Displays the type of the port. Possible values are Main and Standby.
Ma in Slot
Displays the slot number of the main port in the pair.
Ma in Por t
Displays the port number of the main port in the pair.
9032295 E2
Application Views
Serial I/ f Application
Application Views
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
In d ex
Router Redundancy 3-2
Nu m er ics
3CommrmResApp 5-27
3CommultiApp2 5-22
3CompowerApp 5-10
3ComSecApp 5-5
3ComSecPortApp 5-24
3ComSnmpApp2 5-8
Log 4-1
Manager 4-1
Revision 3-2
Hub3ComLS1000 1-1
ICMP 5-2
MIB-II 5-2
System 5-2
TCP 5-2
ICMP_App 5-2
UDP 5-2
View 5-1
Interface Address Translation
Bandwidth 3-3
(list mode) 5-2
Conventions x
Description 3-3
Index 3-3
Type 3-3
View 2-1
9032295 E2
I (Con tin u ed )
Interface Configuration View
Bandwidth 3-4
Port Capacity 3-5
Module Identification Label
Interface Device Icon
Repeater 5-27
Enable IPX 5-23
If 5-22
Name 5-23
Netmask 5-23
Mrm Resilience Standby
IP 5-2
IP2_App 5-2
Port 5-29
Repeater 5-29
Slot 5-29
Type 5-29
Local SNMP
Trap Table
Category 5-8
Community 5-8
Destination 5-8
Index 5-8
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
Index 5-17
Module 5-17
Port Address
Port 5-26
Slot 5-26
RMON Extensions
Port Configuration
Port Identification Label
Port Operation Label 2-5
Port Partition Label 2-5
Port Security 5-24
Index 5-13
LastReply 5-14
Owner 5-14
Period 5-14
Status 5-14
Timeout 5-14
Mode 5-24
Port 5-24
Slot 5-24
Security Application
Power Supply 5-10
Index 5-7
Power Supply
Index 5-10
Power Supply Configuration
Object 5-7
Result 5-7
Time 5-7
User 5-7
Security Enable
Community 5-5
Secure 5-5
RBS 5-10
Related Reading
Other xi
Telnet 5-5
Terminal 5-5
Spectrum x
9032295 E2
Inst 5-11
Load 5-13
S (Con tin u ed )
Community 5-6
Status 5-11
Level 5-6
Manager Party 5-6
Name 5-6
Type 5-11
Password 5-6
Status 5-6
System2_App 5-2
Serial I/f
SNMP2_Agent 5-2
SNMP-Repeater Configuration
Reset 5-15
TCP2_App 5-2
Trademarks i
UDP2_App 5-2
Subviews Menu
Port Identification Label 2-6
SuperStack Configuration
Address 5-18
Conn 5-21
Id 5-21
Parity 5-22
Capabilities 5-20
Description 5-19
Index 5-18
Speed 5-22
Update 5-22
Management 5-19
Mgmt If 5-20
Virus Disclaimer ii
Name 5-19
State 5-19
Type 5-18
System Loader
Filename 5-12
3Com PortSwitch Hubs
Management Module Guide
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