CoolGear USBG-7DU2S 7-Port USB2.0
Metal Hub with DIN RAIL Mounting Kit
1. Introduction
Tha nk you for purc ha sing this high-speed 7-port USB2.0 hub. It
provides a n idea l solution to expa nd 7 USB2.0 ports from one
single USB2.0 host port. It provides a self power sourc e
(+7~24VDC from 2-pin Termina l Bloc ks) to provide enough
power on USB2.0 buses.
C omplia nt with USB Spec ific a tion Revision 2.0
Rigid a nd Wa ll-mounta ble Meta l C a se
Supports High-speed a nd or Full-speed Pa c ket
Protoc ol Sequenc er for Endpoint 0/1
Provides 7 Downstrea m Fa c ing Ports
Optiona l 350W Surge Protec tion over All USB Signa l Pins
Supports USB Sc rew Loc k Mec ha nism Inc rea ses Relia bility
Supports 480Mbps, 12Mbps a nd 1.5Mbps Speed
Supports Self-powered a nd Bus-powered Mode
2. Connector Layout
P o w e r L E D
7 Downstrea m Ports
Self Power Input Upstrea m Port
C onnec tors
C onnec tor
7-Port USB2.0 Meta l Hub with DIN RAIL Mounting Kit
end c onnec tor to this hub. Sinc e the USB hub is
plug-a nd-pla y, you don’t ha ve to turn off your host
c omputer when insta lling the hub.
Note: In some cases, you will see an error message said
that the USB Hub caused the USB bus power over the current limit,
please ignore this message since the hub is hot plug and its power
capacitor will cause a very short period of current. It will NOT affect
your USB function.
4. Connect the USB devices to the downstream ports of this
5. Mount your hub on the wall or DIN RAIL if required.
7-Port USB2.0 Meta l Hub with DIN RAIL Mounting Kit
4. Checking the Hub Installation
To c hec k the USB hub insta lla tion in Windows devic e ma na ger,
plea se follow the following steps:
C lic k Start
C lic k Control Panel
C lic k System
C lic k Device Manager button
Double c lic k Universal Serial Bus Controller
Double c lic k Generic USB Hub, the messa ge will show tha t
this devic e is working properly.
Here is your USB2.0 Hub
5. Environmental Specifications
Operating temp.:
0 to 558C (32 to 1318F)
Operating humidity: 5 to 95% RH
Dimensions (LxWxH): 5.23”(L)x2.42”(W)x1.43”(H)
(13.30x6.15x3.63 c m)
7-Port USB2.0 Meta l Hub with DIN RAIL Mounting Kit
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